Friday, April 22, 2005

Update on Asa

OK, so for those of you who don't already know, I'll give you an update on Asa, our sweet little pitbull. He had surgery last Thursday and he now has a pin through his hip bone and three wires wrapped around the outside of the bone to hold it in place. A quarter of his coat was shaved and he had about 30 staples in his leg. We've been back to the vet twice since the surgery, once because Asa's ankle swelled, but Dr. Dries, our vet, said that was normal. We went back yesterday too (I swear Dr. Dries must think we're moving in!) because Asa had bitten some of his staples out. So Dr. Dries put some more staples in. Luckily, we didn't get charged for either of those visits, which is great. We decided that while Asa was under that we should just get him fixed at the same time, so that is taken care of as well, thank goodness. Now, he's going to have the staples in for at least one more week, and he will have the pin in for at least two months. So that's that. Asa, however, thinks he's back at 100 percent--he's been running around with the other dogs at the park like nothing ever happened. I love that dog.


Anonymous said...

We go to Dr. Dries for our puppies too! He is a great vet.
I hope that all continues to get better.

Laura B

Kate said...

Thanks, dude! I think he's a great vet, too. Hey, now that my brother is working at the Lark, you can spy on him for me. ;-) See you at the fashion show. LOVE!