Thursday, August 24, 2006

Quote of the Day

"'Bleh' is the new 'eh'"
--Michael C.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Joe Go Fest

I went home (well, to Binghamton/Vestal) over the weekend to visit the fam and to participate in what was affectionately dubbed the Joe Go Fest. Joe (in the blue T-shirt below) is moving to the City at the end of the week, and to celebrate the move, all his friends got together for some parties to see him off. A very fun time was had by all--for the most part. Thursday was fun and games; Friday night got a liiiiiittle out of control for some (you know who you are).

From the top: Laura is very animated as she explains something to me--of course, I forget what. . . . Next, the stepsisters pose for a pic. . . . Todd and Michelle hanging out at Dillinger's with a NASCAR-themed Miller Lite (yes, I was drinking them too--they were $2!). . . . The man of the hour: Joe with a smoke, looking a bit confused. . . . Joe being trashed with his friend Heather. On Friday we met Canadians, Seattle-ites and hometown peeps. Good times. Many thanks to Laura for prolonged use of her apartment (love you!).

Other notes from the weekend home:

--Dad tried to set me up with a hippie (egads)
--Mom bought me a 4-disc set of hits from 1956-1959 that I LOVE
--Took Dylan to lunch, and then to the bookstore where we bought The Lion King soundtrack
--Had dinner with Holly, Dad, Laura, Dylan, and Holly's dad and stepmom, Jim and Mary
--Got stuck in traffic at the toll on the way home, which means that college kids were comin' back into town

Out of Space??

That's what my blog peeps are saying. . . I'll have to figure this out. Till then, I'll try to do some updating on my MySpace blog.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Thursday (and Friday) in Saratoga

Had dinner at the Hall of Springs last night, then went to see the orchestra at SPAC. It was a spectacular concert, with pieces by Beethoven, Debussy and Saint Saens. Lots of fun.

Tonight I'll head to Saratoga again, this time to spend some time with Kate and have dinner and drinks and hear all about her camping vacation.

Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to bring my camera someplace to have it magically fixed for free. Or at least an inexpensive repair shop. I'm not the same without my camera.