Monday, June 12, 2006

Who You Callin' Little?

In two days I leave for Little Rock, Arkansas. That is where this year's AAN conference is being held, hosted by the Arkansas Times. The keynote speaker for the conference is Bill Clinton. That's pretty cool, I hafta admit. We won three awards, though our placement (1st, 2nd etc.) hasn't been determined yet--we'll learn that at the conference. Melli (M'Land marketing coordinator and old friend of mine) and I will be roommates at the Peabody Hotel. This spells t-r-o-u-b-l-e! We are going to have waaaaay too much fun.

Hm, what else is new? Aaron kicked my ass last night at Scrabble. That was embarrassing. But I went about four rounds with no vowels! How fair is that? Not very, methinks. Anyway, I'll have to show him who the Scrabble champ is next go-round.

Taking my Little Sister to see Cars tonight, I can't wait!
Pixar+popcorn+sweet little girl=Happy Kate

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