Friday, March 28, 2008

Kate's Survey About Katie

Had to post this on my blog so I would have it always. Kate posted this survey on MySpace:

Can YOU answer 22 questions about YOUR number 1? DON’T change your top friends, and answer 22 questions about the 1st person in your top friends.

1) Who is it?
Kathryn Lurie

2) Where did you meet them?
I met her in Albany years ago.

3) What was your age when you first met?

4) Is this person one of your friends?
My best

5) How long have you know them?

6) Is this person older than you?
A few weeks.

7) When was the last time you saw this person?

8) Do you miss them?
Always, always always.

9) Are you related to this person?
not so much.

10) Do you have nicknames for each other?
Um, not really. We call her Katie, instead of Kathryn, maybe that is a nickname.

12) Do you think this person will repost this?
Not likely.
She is busy, busy, busy!

13) Why is this person #1 on your top friends?
Because she is always in the trenches with me, no matter what.

14) Have you seen this person cry?

15) Do you know this person’s last name?

16) Do you tell them a lot about your life?
She knows many, many details.

17) Doing anything with them tonight?
Sadly, no.

18) If yes, What?
Refer to #17

19) Would you have them at/in your wedding?
yes! of course.
She will be the one holding onto my train as I try to escape!

20) Would they date you?
if we were lesbians, we would be life partners.

21) What’s something this person is obsessed with?
pink? the cat fur accumulating in her apartment? Where all time in her day goes?

22) Does this person make you laugh?

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