Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Charlie's Wedding

Mitch and I went to Freeport, Long Island, this weekend for my Uncle Charlie's wedding. The weekend also doubled as a mini family reunion on my mom's side. I only was able to see four of my 19 cousins, but hopefully we'll be able to orchestrate a larger family reunion soon, maybe in the fall. I did see four out of seven of my mom's siblings though. Here they are:

Here's Darcy, Lisa, Derek, my mom (Carrie) and Charlie.

Their other sister, Elle, is in Italy for the summer (where she already managed to get hit by a Smart car), and one brother, Bucky (a.k.a. Danny) is in London for a Cream concert, and the other brother, Johnny, has been excommunicated from the family. I still don't really get what's going on there, but no one seems to want to go into detail to explain it to me.

Here are the cousins that were in attendance:

Me, Val, Shawn, Renee, and Mitch. Nicole showed up later.

Here's Renee's baby, Kiera:

She's a cutie, alright!

And here is my Uncle Charlie dancing with his bride, Be:

Her dress was beautiful. I'm so glad Charlie finally got married! Yay! Congratulations Charlie and Be!!

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