Thursday, December 27, 2007


It's been an up-and-down few days. I'm glad to be home.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I just got offered the internship at ABC News. As a few of you know, I have been keeping my fingers crossed for this for weeks. Sweeeeeeet.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


One semester down . . . two more to go. Hooray!

Monday, December 17, 2007

And So It Goes

The kids upstairs are roller skating again. AND they're, like, moving a dining room table from one side of the room to the other. Or something. Whatever it is it's FREAKING LOUD.

We're Not Crazy. Really.

But we did shave the cats. When there are five, there are very few alternatives.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Holy Hell

Please let me just get done with finals in one piece.

Dec. 13 Is. . .


Happy birthday doll. Can't wait to be with my girls next weekend.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So Photogenic

Awesome pic I took of Pacer this afternoon.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blog Address Change

Sorry, I know--all your bookmark libraries were all settled and comfy and I had to go and muck it all up. But this title is more fitting and not quite as cheesy and it's a Feist lyric. So there.

These Papers and Their Web Sites

Here's the latest article I wrote for Chelsea Now, if anyone's interested.

Who knew there could be a Web site worse than Metroland's?

I'm Obsessed. . .

with this song.

J-School Holiday Party

Steve, Dana, Ari, AbiTyler, Carl, Erin, FritzieFritzie throwing a hissy fit as we dragged her to Queens.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Bye-Bye Blonde

(better pics to come--this post was done in a hurry..)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Kate's NYC Weekend

I am a little late in blogging this, but Kate came to visit for the weekend of Nov. 16, and we packed the two days full of stuff. Here, proof in pics.
She's going to kill me for posting two pics of her eating, but that's ok. We went to a Malaysian restaurant for dinner in Chinatown. . .
We ate at the nothing-but-peanut-butter-sandwiches restaurant in the West Village for lunch--Kate had the Elvis, of course--a sandwich that consisted of peanut butter, bananas, honey, and bacon. Mmmmm. . .
We went to the Museum of Natural History to check out the always-amazing butterfly exhibit. . .
Kate buys a souvenir for Matt from the museum gift shop. . .
And we saw a jovial Bob Saget in Times Square in front of the Drowsy Chaperone (in which he's starring right now) theater, supporting the striking stagehands.

A good was time had by all. :-)

Monday, December 03, 2007

Meeting Avery for the First Time

Went to Albany this weekend to meet my newest love--Miss Avery. Kristie came home from Texas to spend the winter months with her family in New York while Tony's deployed. Avery gets to hang out with her cousins and Kristie gets a hand from her mom and sister. This little girl is the sweetest baby. I don't even think she minded that I thought her pacifier was for teething though she's only 8 weeks old. But seriously, how do you know that kind of stuff if you don't have kids? I could've held her in my arms forever.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The New Faces of J-School, Oh Yeah!

An ad in the New York Post yesterday.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This Guy is a Genius

There is no better way to get me to donate a WHOLE DOLLAR than by having a kitten as your mascot. It helped that when I bent to pet her, she climbed into my lap and purred. SO sweet.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Apartment

Sorry it took me so long to get photos up. Here are some views of our place. . . Click on them for a closer look.


Nate's Room:
Guest Room:
Hallway Leading to (clockwise from bottom left) Linen Closet, Bathroom, Studio, Nate's Room, and Guest Room: Living Room looking toward the hallway to the front door:
Living Room looking toward the back of the apartment (and brick wall out the window):
Front Hallway looking toward door:
Kitchen:My Room:

A Funny

This is one of the most hysterical things I have seen in a long long time. Dog owners especially will enjoy it.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Feeding Time

The five monsters, a.k.a. the Thunder Cat Army.


My brother seems to be doing ok, and I have taken up a collection to get him a new computer since he lost a brand-new one in the fire. It's likely that most of you who read this blog have gotten the email. (If you didn't, just let me know.) Thanks so, so much to those of you who have already donated. We are eternally grateful for your generosity and support.

Mitch is now looking for places to live in Troy so he can be closer to school. If anyone in the area knows of anything available, please let me know.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


My brother's house burned down today. He and his girlfriend and his dog got out. Everything is lost. More later when I can see straight.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007


This made me giggle.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Deluge of Fall Birthdays

Sept. 25: Happy birthday NATE!!!!
Oct. 10: Happy birthday MOM!!!!!!
Oct. 25: Happy birthday ROBIN!!!!!
Oct. 28: Happy 30th birthday MIKE!!!!!
Nov. 4: Happy birthday KATHY!!!!!
Nov. 6: Happy birthday KEN!!!!
Nov. 9: Happy birthday ME!!!!
Nov. 15: Happy birthday HEATHER!!!!

alright, now everyone stop getting older. ready? ok... go!

Today's Assignment

Abi, Erin and I are about to walk the half-block to Port Authority to profile it for our afternoon drill. Upon hearing about our assignment, Dana says, "Ew.. You guys have to go inhale dried piss??"

Port Authority, here we come.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Sometimes Lectures Just Need to END

Over-read on my classmate Steve's computer during lecture today (which, by the way, is closing in on three hours right about now):

"Dear Sister,
I am in class and I want to die."

Gotta love laptops--for visual eavesdropping alone. ;-)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Our Humble Abode

Nate's selling a keyboard on Craigslist and a girl came to look at it this evening. She was pleasant and took her time playing the keyboard in the foyer while Nate and I chatted in the kitchen. She talked to Nate for a minute about the instrument and then proceeded to gush about our apartment. Among other things, she said, "I've never seen an apartment this put together in New York." We thought that was cute, and it made us feel even more proud of our very cool apartment.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Oh the Trauma

Augh. We had a vet emergency today. An expensive one. So yeah we have five cats (I know, I know) and the (three) boys fight once in a while. We usually let them duke it out, our logic being that maybe one day they'll realize just how silly they've been putting so much energy into being enemies and they'll start loving each other, as cats should. Well. Apparently Jonah was bitten on his back by one of the evil boys the other day and last night, Nate discovered that a huge lump had developed in the area of the wound. After a bit of Internet research I discover that it's an abscess, and that yeah, we should probably go to the vet (DAMNIT). So we go to a vet's office in Park Slope, one that Nate researched out when he got a couple of his cats' shots updated, and learn from our vet that the abscess has to be lanced. So lance it they did and poor Jonah had to be drained. Poor thing. He was so terrified and in so much pain that he peed in the cat carrier on the way home, so Nate tried his best to clean him up in the tub before we gave him his first round of pain meds and antibiotics. This was extremely difficult, you know, what with the large gaping wound that we weren't supposed to touch on his back. We were instructed to place him in solitary confinement for a few days, so he's in the guest room with his own litter, food, and bed. I feel awful for Jonah, but ohmygod, what a pain in the ass.Jonah in his sickbed. The wound is on the other side. Believe me, you don't want to see it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

City Livin' 2

I just figured it out. The kids are rollerskating up there. I am so serious. Rollerskating! Or rollerblading, whatever it is they do these days. You've GOT to be kidding me.

City Livin'

A very nice family moved into the apartment directly above us about three weeks ago. Until then the apartment had been blissfully empty, and we enjoyed the uninterrupted silence for a good month and a half. The new family has three very cute, very bouncy children. They bounce a lot. Like, all evening long sometimes. And apparently the family rearranges their furniture almost every evening as well. At least, that's what it sounds like. All of a sudden something will roll from one side of my ceiling to the other. I don't know quite what to do about it. All I know is that I'm on deadline. And they're moving furniture. Again.

Post-script: By the way--though really annoying, mostly because I have to write right now--this isn't as bad as it was in my bedroom in Albany. I'm sure some of you remember me telling you about the morning when the guy who lived upstairs from me there threw a chair through the window, which was located directly above my bed, at about 4:30 AM. That was fun.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Politics as Usual

Mike shows me a Web site that is designed to help you choose who you're going to vote for.

Me: it tells me i should vote for kucinich
Me: wasn't expecting that
Me: 95.92%
Mike: uh oh. you better change your mind to start better suiting the band wagon
Me: oh? which bandwagon am i supposedly on?
Mike: knowing you? well. i'd say obama for you....let's see...
Mike: young?
Mike: yes
Mike: female?
Mike: yes
Mike: jewish?
Mike: yes
Mike: NYC?
Mike: yes
Mike: works next to the times? mouth piece of the left?
Mike: yes
Me: lol
Mike: that's an obama supporter.

Midterms DONE

Ugh let's not do that again soon, shall we?

I got some awesome feedback from school peeps (like professors and such) tonight, and I am riding high. That is, until I pass out. Which will be in 3... 2... 1.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Oh God

Two midterms tomorrow. HELP!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Week in Review

The week, in highlights:

--Wednesday, I went on a ride-along with a couple of NYPD cops to check out what they do every day (hence the bulletproof vest a couple posts down). I went to Precinct 107, which is in Queens, where apparently they don't have cabs. I had a mile-and-a-half walk (run) from the subway stop. Other then that, it was fun--I got paired with a couple of young cops who were very sweet and chatted openly about the force and about public perception of policepeeps. Very informational.
--Wednesday night I attended
Stephen Colbert's reading/signing of his book, I Am America (and So Can You) at the Union Square Barnes & Noble. The guy is good.
--Yesterday, I attended a study session for the Legal & Ethics midterm that's looming in my immediate future. AKA Monday. I am, in a word, terrified. Also Monday: Research Methods midterm. Here's hoping I survive the day.
--This morning in Interactive, we made our first audio slideshows public, and got our first video assignments. We made mini-docs about making PB sandwiches as practice. I have to say--so far, video is seeming like a lot more fun than straight audio. We'll see.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bullet Proof

I will be wearing one of these tomorrow.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Nate's Random Pearls of Wisdom

"I feel like in other countries, the only thing that excuses you from being American is being from New York."


Me: I want to come to Switzerland.

Mario: You can come whenever you want, but it's cold here.

Me: I want cold! I want autumn! I'm sick of this heat.

Mario: You're crazy. As soon as it's cold you will change your mind!

Me: I know, but for now my mind's made up.

Mario: . . . girls.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Firewalls Be Damned

Mike and I are able to video chat, finally!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Busy Busy


A lot has been going on, needless to say. Grad school has me going mach 3 at all times. Very little sleep going on over here. It's beginning to pay off, I think. I got my first freelance story published in Chelsea Now. Hooray! Hopefully there will be many more clips to come. I'm working on a story now that I hope will end up in a paper somewhere. I will link it if it does.

Gram came into the city yesterday and we had dinner at Carnegie Deli, which was appropriate, as we went to Carnegie Hall for a show after. Brian Stokes Mitchell, Mr. King-O-Broadway himself, gave a concert to benefit the Actors Fund. There were a bunch of guests, including Reba McEntire and Phylicia Rashad, who were both great.

In the midst of my grad-school busy-ness, Mike came to visit for the weekend, which was a blast. We went to see Chicago (which is now starring Brian McKnight, who knew?), ran into some Albany peeps in the Village, chilled in Central Park, etc.

Mike and I had Ethiopian for lunch on Sunday.

Friday, October 05, 2007

I Heart New York

Safety first!
14th Street

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Avery Has a Middle Name

Her name: Avery Mae Chase. Too cute. :-)

Monday, October 01, 2007

Love This

Courtesy of the New Yorker, of course.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hector at the Mercury Lounge

The other night my pals Jeb and Clayton (together they are Hector on Stilts) played the Mercury Lounge, so I went to see them. Post-show, they posed for a very impromptu photo shoot. Characters, these two.

Welcome, Little Avery

So Kristie finally had this little cutie yesterday, Sept. 29, at 1:30 AM. Her name, Avery Chase, is incomplete--they have yet to decide on a middle name. (Any day now, guys, clock's a-tickin'. . .) She made her grand entrance weighing in at 8 lbs. 2 oz. And of course, Kristie is already almost back at her pre-pregnancy weight. Amazing. Anyway, congrats to the new parents! I can't wait to meet the lil' tyke.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hip-Hop Mario

Yeah, we were bored waiting for the train.

Pic of the Day

Nate and I spontaneously, and inexplicably, fall in love with the Astor Place subway station. Dunno, don't ask.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mario Comes to NYC

My Swiss mister Mario came to visit me for 10 days earlier this month. It was his first time to the states, so I was really looking forward to showing him around the city. It was a great, great time. We did sooooooo much sightseeing and exploring, it was terrific (and exhausting!). It also served as a really efficient and fun refresher of the city for me.

Here are some of the things we did:
--saw three Broadway shows: Spamalot, Avenue Q and Stomp. I had seen both Ave Q and Stomp before; Spamalot was fun and charming, and hysterical. Nate came with us to Stomp, and we sat in the first row, which was quite the experience. MUCH funnier than I remembered.

--saw two movies: Once, and Stardust. Already saw Once, but it was just as great the second time. Loooooved Stardust.

--attended two sporting events: a Mets game and the U.S. Open Final. Mets are always fun; the Open was an amazing experience. Roger Federer, the champion of that match and of the world, is Swiss, so of course Mario was very excited to see the game.
--went to a Letterman taping. The guests were Jessica Alba, and a band that I never heard of before, but they were pretty cool--Manchester Orchestra.

--went to the Museum of Natural History, where we chilled with the dinosaurs for a bit and went to the IMAX movie, about dinosaurs, of course.

--went to Coney Island, and the New York Aquarium, which is right on the boardwalk. Favorite part: the walrus feeding, by far! :-)
--went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Hadn't done this since I was like, 10, maybe?
--walked across the Brooklyn Bridge at night. My first time ever! There are gorgeous views of Manhattan from there.

--visited Ground Zero on 9/11. Seemed like the right thing to do.

Also, we had dinner in Chinatown, walked around (and bought lunch at) Zabar's, had drinks in the West--and East--Villages, walked around Central Park, went to the United Nations (but the flags were down, so it was a pretty boring sight), walked and shopped on Fifth, and so many other things I completely lost track. All in all, a great time. :-)