Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Just Another Manic Wednesday

Ah, Wednesday, production day. I have given up on trying to finish my column for this week considering I'm so far past deadline. There's always next week.

I saw a great show last night. . . I would post a photo but I have used up my space for March on my Flickr site. Maybe in April. Anyway, Jason Martin, darling of Troy, put on a really fun set at the bookstore. And John Brodeur opened. (We won't discuss Brodeur's website--let's just say it's not indicative of his talent.) I really wish that boy would get his new CD pressed and packaged. It's so good, and nobody knows.

So I have made it to the gym everyday before work except for yesterday. I woke up feeling completely ill, and spent the morning puking (fun) and therefore I did not got to the gym. I made up for it this morning, though, with an extra half hour on weights.

In other news, I'm hungry, and I want sushi for dinner. Badly. I'll probably end up eating cereal, or rice and vegetables. Again. I need some variety in my diet.

P.S. I cannot wait for this book to come out. I've had my copy reserved for months.

Conversation going on in my office right now:
Rick: "Anyone know where Lisben, New York is?"
John R.: "Portugal."

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